Saturday, April 20, 2013

Family trip to Bear Lake

We have started the tradition of going to Bear Lake every year with my family. This year we went in January, and all of my siblings, dad, and aunt were able to go with us.
One the way to Bear Lake, we saw this volcano!

Okay, so it wasn't a volcano, but it was the mine in Soda Springs. Really amazing looking at night.

Our nephew was really excited to go to the condo!

 Here are the cutest niece and nephews ever!
 These three are becoming really good friends.
Getting ready to play games.

Playing pinochole.
My dad is the best grandpa ever. These two are buddies and go everywhere together.

Okay, so I have had braces since January 2013. Finally getting used to them. Look at this handsome nephew of mine!

Papa decided to put him in this CrockPot instead of finding his Bumble chair. As you can tell, he didn't know what to think!
So tired! Playing hard takes a lot out of ya!

Relaxing watching t.v., and napping.

Having fun throwing balls up and down the stairs.

 Cute silly monkey!

 Happy Birthday Papa!

 Under the stairs makes a fun playroom!

Having fun sledding.

The Family

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