Wednesday, May 29, 2013

March 22***New hair!

I really felt the need back in Febuary for a change. So, what to most women do? They cut and dye their hair! My sister-in-law did it for me, and I really like it. Just to "throw my family off, " we decided to straighten my hair. For those of you with naturally curly understand that sometimes it is just wonderful to be able to brush your hair while it is DRY! It feels great on the scalp and a fun change. The funny part of the whole thing what that it really freaks Josh out when my hair is straight...then add the dark color.....and all he could do when he looked at me was shake his head in confusion! He was so cute about it, he just really likes my curls. Here's what it looked like just for one day.

This same night, some of my family came over to hang out. As you can see, PaPa and our nephew were really tired!
This little guy goes and goes and goes like the energizer bunny!

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