Wednesday, May 29, 2013

March 8, 2013....Road trip for my Brother's birthday!

My brother turned 24 this year, and wanted to go to Jackpot. On the drive down, we stopped to have a look around and stretch our legs. My sister & her family, by brother & his wife, my dad, and of course Josh & I went. Whenever my dad goes on a drive, he helps us remember to slow down and enjoy the scenery!
Josh doen't like his picture taken all that much. He's a pretty good sport for me though!
 My sister and one of my cute nephews!
 My sister-in-law and brother
 My dad and cute hubby!
 My brother-in-law and other cute nephew!
 Watching the rockchuck.

While in Jackpot, we went to an "all you can eat" seafood and steak buffet with the gang and with my brother-in-law's brother and his wife. We ate until we pratically had to roll outta there! The food was pretty good (even though Josh & I aren't huge seafood fans). I don't know what I enjoyed more, all the deserts and chicken, or watching my brother try to figure out how to eat crab! Josh was a sport and started cracking it open for my brother so he could eat it faster. What a sight to see! Wish I would have taken my camera!
We were able to stay with my brother-in-law's family in Twin Falls with their cute girls. The girls so so nice and let us all stay in their room in the basement. We had mattresses and air matresses from one end of the room to the other. We sure had a great time!

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